Traditional Gongfu Etiquette

Published on by Sifu

The Japanese martial arts are full of tradition from the bow in to verbal responses to your teacher. The Chinese martial arts also have important and rich traditions as well. There’s an ancient saying in the martial arts, “The practice begins and ends with etiquette.” Without proper etiquette and the right environment so much will be missed from the practice. Chinese martial arts represent an old and honorable culture; Chinese martial arts are an organic component of the Chinese culture. They reflect the entire Chinese cultural characteristics from one aspect. Etiquette and courtesy are a fundamental component of Chinese martial arts training and discipline. Traditional Chinese martial arts is based on the ancient Confucian household and is rich with traditions of mutual respect, courtesy, and decorum.

Traditional Gongfu Etiquette

1. It is traditional to greet other martial artists with a salutation (bow), especially senior martial artists and instructors.

2. It is traditional to give and receive items to and from other people using both hands. Using only one hand shows disrespect and is a sign that you don't think that the person deserves your full attention.

3. It is traditional to allow your Sigung, Sifu and Senior Gongfu Brothers and Sisters to walk ahead of you. The most senior martial artist present walks in the front with the senior students walking closest to his/her side and the most junior students walking furthest behind.

4. It is traditional to hold doors and allow your Sigung, Sifu and Senior Gongfu Brothers and Sisters to pass through first. The most junior student should always hold the door for everyone else and enter or leave last.

5. It is traditional to wait to sit at a dinner table until your Sigung, Sifu and Senior Gongfu Brothers and Sisters have sat down. The head of the table should be reserved for the most senior martial artist present, with the senior students sitting closest, and the most junior students sitting furthest away.

6. It is traditional to make sure that the beverage cups and glasses of your Sigung, Sifu and Senior Gongfu Brothers and Sisters are full. It is considered a loss of face for both parties if the senior martial artist must pour his/her own drink.

7. It is traditional to pour beverages using both hands. Using only one hand shows disrespect and is a sign that you don't think that the person deserves your full attention.

8. It is traditional to insist on performing any menial chore that you see your Sigung, Sifu and Senior Gongfu Brothers and Sisters doing. It is considered a loss of face for both parties if the senior martial artist must do chores while the junior stands around and watches.

Traditional Gongfu Etiquette
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